Junior High's Graduation Day
Yesterday was my Junior High School's Graduation Day. Luckily the weather turned out to be great after everyone was panicking coz it snowed for a bit the day before (bloody paranoid japanese people....hehe) while everyone was decorating the school. I dusted the cobwebs off my suit and suited up for the occasion. Went to school clueless to what i was supposed to do as most teachers kept me out of the loop and were running around like headless chickens! Went to sit down in the school gym and waited for the 3rd years to enter the building so the ceremony could take place. Sat with the teachers thinking that seeing as tho i had been teaching there for the past 8 months everything would be sweet but then they told me that i was supposed to sit with the other guests. Not wanting to cause a scene i bit my lip and sat over the other side of the gym, fuming on the inside. But once the 3rd years came in i calmed down and was really proud of them. Now, the days leading up to the ceremony everyone kept coming up to me asking if u were gonna cry, and now i see why, coz there was tears coming from all directions. If it wasnt from the students or teachers trying to mumble out words when they were balling their eyes out (which was comedy by the way), others were crying along with them. The ceremony went for about 2 hours and during that time u werent allowed to clap the students when they received their grauduation certicificates or anything. so besides the soppy music that was playing which i spose was the main cause of the crying, it was dead quite. dickhead here forgot to have breakfast so my stomach started to cry out a shitload of times which was quite embarassing. hehe. After the ceremony the students walked out crying and saying thanks and congrats to everyone. Most of the male students kept coming up to me to see if i had cried and i said, "no, grow some balls!" actually i only said the 'no' part.......... anyways, then it was foto time before the 3rd years had a party with the homeroom teachers and parents. I went back to the BOE to prepare myself for the evenings enkai which was a pretty drunken affair! I led everyone to the nijikai (after party) and we continued on through the night singing and drinking more. Luckily today i get to do bugger all at work and sneak away for a cheeky 2-3 hour lunch break without anyone asking where i am...... GOD I LOVE THE INAKA! hehe
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