ALT Mid-Year Conference Day One
Last week we had a 3-day conference in Kochi City for all ALT'S (my job) and JTE's (Japanese Teacher of English) and we learned about the joys of team-teaching and so on and so on. being a second-year JET now i actually knew what they were talking about and the most challenging part of the conference was keep awake and to keep tally of all the gay comments that our friend knobchops made (wanker)! After the end of the conference on the 1st day, most of us checked into a hotel and then put our drinking caps on and went out on the town. All lot of the JET's who liked safety in numbers went bowling, but i instead opted out to go out with my good mates, and get quite lashed at dinner and then at the cheeky pool place. Here are some of the highlights that made it onto camera of the night.
Duncan decided to snort 7spices with Carl.
And this ladies and gentlemen is the face of absolute shear pain and stupidity. its amazing what u'll do with a few beers in ya.
Then it was off to the pool place for some more drinks.
After we got sick of bowling, we met up with some of the other JETs in Obiyamachi and tried to get them to go to Karaoke. but they all wanted to do what the cool cats were doing and opted out. So, Flinty, Karen, Mika, Paul and myself went to the Irish Pub and downed a few cheeky pints before calling it a night.
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