Mar 6, 2007

some incoherent rambling...

it had been brought to my attention that all i do on this blog is post about me getting drunk with my mates on the weekend. while everyone is entitled to their opinion, what the hell else is there to do in Kochi other than getting on the piss occasionally with your mates? there is nothing wrong with it unless it is in moderation....hehe. hello people, we do live in the Drinking Prefecture of Kochi so i say do as the Romans do while your here. I've met heaps of great people and friends while being here in kochi because of a few bevvies. doesnt make me an alcoholic now does it? it is just part of the culture here in japan. and while most of the people in my town think i drink every night, i am continuously telling them i dont, which is the gods honest truth. during the weekdays, i never feel the need to touch a drop unless invited to an enkai or whatnot. other than that, on the weekend in order to keep my sanity for being in the sticks all week, i often go out for a few cheeky beers like any other person my age would do with their mates.

I am here to assist in teaching english and to help internationalise some of the people in my town. This cannot be done in the school alone and so occasionally i go to the local waterhole and start chatting with the locals. for such a small village and there being a lot of old people here, i think my village has slowly become quite accepting of its local foreigners who have called this place home over the past 8 or so years. dont get me wrong, there is still a long way to go but just the fact that people come up to me and arent afraid to talk to me, signifies how the JET programme has had some kind of an influence in japan. and being in the inaka, that is a fucking huge step for the folk here.

take this as an example, last weekend while at the local pub, before the place closed, some guy there that i had passed in the street and exchanged greetings with every now and then invited me back to his place to have a couple of beers with his wife. we talked about heaps of cool stuff, they asked me about where i live in oz and what it was like etc. it was probably the closest thing these people would ever have to going overseas. they in turn told me a few things about Odochi here that noone had ever told me about. it was cool. u would never have this kind of experience in Australia, because people just dont trust each other there.

but then u have some people here that just think all gaijin need to be put on display and be made a big spectacle out of. we are sometimes the source of conversation for japanese people and it makes me sad sometimes to be a part of. especially for some of the people here who dont know the local dialect. they want u to speak in english to them and think we're so cool if we say "HELLO. HOW ARE YOU?" and there are others who just blurt out random english to be cool in front of their friends and the foreigner. then u have the ignorant people who think we are aliens and feel the need to feel ur teeth to see if our teeth are similar to the more superior japanese person. but these kind of people can be found anywhere in the world.

anyways i enjoy posting about my nights on the town with the boys as im sure those who were invloved enjoy reading them and checking out the fotos i put up. at least i will have something to look back on when im in another part of the world somewhere doing something else.


Blogger NinaSama said...

Don't let anyone tell you that you drink too much or post about it in the most boring way. They're just jealous that they're not as social and charismatic as you (^_~)v

8:14 PM  

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