Jan 31, 2006


FUCK can appear in a post. Well on Sunday after fucking waking up, taking a shower, getting ready, then going out to see some local sights, i got home only to find out that i had no fucking water! none of my fucking taps would work. not one fucking drop! this was at about fucking 9pm so i called my fucking supervisor to see what the fuck was going on because i had paid all my fucking bills! the other fucking people in my complex could use their fucking water but would they help me? fuck no! and my supervisor couldnt fucking help me coz he lives fucking ages away! So i had to refrain from shitting and coz the water didnt work in the toilet and then wake up the next fucking morning and go to fucking work, smelling like fucking peaches and sporting some fucking nice bed hair! luckily my supervisor helped me sort it out in the morning and after walking up and down the fucking stairs of my apartment for half an hour, we got it working again! So we have come to realise that some fuckhead has played funny buggers with my water nozzles and turned it off on me while was out on sunday with MIKA! all i can say that i hope it wasnt that fuckhead who crashed into Matts car and itd better have been a mistake made by the water company if they had checked it that day! You dont know how much u really depend on having water at home, do you?

Jan 30, 2006

This will make u proud mum!

This weekend i did not touch a drop of alcohol! Pretty good huh? Amazing what happens when ur girlfriend is around! hehe! Went bowling with some mates and then spent the next day checking out a couple of waterfalls near where i live! It was a pretty cruisy weekend and it is good to see Mika again!

Jan 22, 2006

The fourth and final day in a row!

Well, saturday i woke up with a huge hangover after drinking three nights in a row at the ALT mid year conference! After my alarm waking me up at Dans i struggled to get up and out the door so i could go to one of the last enkais for the village office. Slowly but steadily i got to the meet on time, only to have to play beach volleyball for the next 3 hours. Needless to say it was murder and i felt like arse! After volleyball we all gathered up near where i work and had a party! I originally was just gonna drink a little bit coz i was buggered but the japs kept coming up to me and filling up my glass with sake or beer even if it wasnt the slightest bit empty. So after a while the old ladies where drunk and were quite funny. at one stage i looked over and there was headmaster of the kindergarden yelling out as a toast, "CHIN CHIN", which in japanese means penis. a little later after joining their table, i found out that chin chin actually is how u say CHEERS in French. phew! anyways, as per usual, by about 8 most had piked and gone home, but i stayed on for the after party and the after party's after party. During that time, some drunken father of one my junior high schools 2nd year students, told me that his daughter thought it would be better off me not being here (teaching in Japan). This shocked me a little bit (i mean, how would you reply to this after having a few?) so i listened to what the knobchops had to say and regurgitated most of what we had been told at the mid year conference. After that we all had quite enough of the guy and pissed off home to bed! Finally, theres some light at the end of the tunnel.

Jan 21, 2006

The Mid-Year 3 Day Kochi ALT Piss-Up Conference

Well what can i tell u about the week i just had! I can tell u it involved a shit load of beer and japanese sake and for me it extended to 4 days on it! From Wednesday to Friday, we had our Kochi JET Mid-Year Conference in Kochi! All it mostly consisted was sitting in some fairly boring lectures, waiting for the end of the day so that we could down a few beers with some mates u hadnt seen in awhile.
Wednesday, was for all JETs, and we sat thru a lecture by some chick who went completely off topic and talked about how much a japan freak she is and about how she went out with some big tall jap guy with a beard (got a corkscrew). some good came out of it when we knobchops himself (Adam) said in Japanese that he had a small penis. We had lunch at some sushi place where i ate fuck all, then went back to show how unco-ordinated i am at the karate workshop! But luckily i wasnt the most unco as vercs was first to fall flat on his arse after trying a high kick! hehe. Afterwards, we got out of our work clothes and into our lash wear and then hit the town. After a couple of pints of guiness we met most of the other JETs and went somewhere (i forget the name) for some all u can drink and eat. The all u can eat was only like a few platters of food and by the time i got up there to eat, there was fuck all! so its pretty safe to say that having harldy eaten anything all day, i got pretty pissed drinking them out of beer there. Cheers to vercs for outsmarting the waiters into continually bringing our table jugs of beer by hiding the others under the table! So, it all gets a little blurry from there. I think i was directing traffic, showing people pictures i shouldnt, saying gday to pretty much everyone, tackling fellow ALTs on the side of the road and the once we went to the bar, the beerdar came into play and i found my way back to the hotel.
The next day consisted of most of the guys, just sitting there staring at shit whilst the lectures and workshops were going on. That night, Aaron & Angela, Matt & Karen, Jo (aka. evil bitch), Paul "the wall" (BO SELECTA, CAN I GET A REWIND?), Jess and myself got together for a few cheeky starters at Hirome before heading to BIG ECHO to murder some Bon Jovi and Kylie Minogue tunes! I managed to stay out a lot longer than the previous night and on the way home we stopped at a conbini (convenience store) where i was getting random Japanese to check out the adult magazine section with us. hehe.
By Friday, we were all suffering, and looking and feeling like pure arse! You just had to see what Flinty looked like when he walked in late for the first workshop for the day! But we all GANBARE'd and made it to the end of the day after some classic Japanese lecture put us all in stitches by swearing his head off. anyways, afterwards it was back to hirome for more to drink. This time Dan and Longstaff joined in and we played bekuhai (a drinking game only found in Kochi) with Japanese sake, and it is safe to say that after about 3 hours of playing this we were all fairly pussed! Some other ALTs joined in and then some of us went of to karaoke, and others went to dance in some random bar! I joined in on the karaoke and we sang some classic tunes and drank more and more. We were all enjoying oursleves until some bitch who was with us, fucked off and left us with the bill. After sorting that out we met up with Dan, with which Aaron cleared everyone out of the bar with his chicken dancing. We then somehow ended up in a tent eating raamen? trust me , i still dont know why..... then we called it a night, and crashed at Dans! fuck im tired but i still have another night on the puss to go.
Me on Friday evening with Flinty's gf, Karen. Karen is flying back to England for a couple of weeks for her JET interview and left not too long after this foto was taken.

Jan 16, 2006

Skiing in Tottori

this a picture on the way back home from the ski grounds
This is at the top of one of the better beginner/intermediate courses. you also have a clear view of what looks like the ocean.
me looking like a skiing gumby, squinting into the sun
classic engrish found at the hotel i crashed at

So, after almost two years, i finally managed to go skiing again in Tottori Prefecture, north west of Hiroshima. This time i went with a few of my primary school kids and their fathers and some people from my BOE and village office! so once again i was taught how to ski all in Japanese. At times it was frustrating but i managed to even get up to the steep intermediate course and give it a go. Unfortunatley it was raining all day on the Saturday after we had spent all night getting there on the bus. And the clothes i rented out did fuck all to stop getting me wet. almost was left with no feeling in my hands and feet and almost broke my mobile fone because it got wet! (a bit of random info for u guys- never put a semi-wet 1000yen note into a vending machine) After the first day of skiing we went back, got warm, had dinner and a few beers with the old boys and then fell asleep from the lack of sleep i got riding on the bus here. got up the next to some perfect weather and skiied for half a day. A couple of the kids who were blatanly better than me, got me to race them and luckily no broken bones, just pride......these kids were like 10. Then we had lunch, got changed and got the bus home. Rain aside, i had a pretty good time and got to know the kids a little better (it doesnt mean i know their names tho).

Jan 12, 2006

Heading to the slopes (no Adam i dont mean to see Asian people.....hehe)

I will be going skiing this weekend in Tottori Prefecture, which is north-east of Hiroshima. Its been two years since the first time i ever skiied so i hope i dont show how much of a true aussie i am. I will be going with a few of my primary school kids so it will be a good chance to hang around and get to know them a little better. Except i hope that they cant ski better than what i can coz that would be quite embarassing......hehe.

The Coming of Age Long Day Weekend

Last week consisted of me joining a gym, and going east to Flinty's to see if we could find the beer monkey. along the way we picked up karen and jess, then we got a whole bunch of us easties together to welcome Nahari Matt's boyfriend Keyon (i think thats how u spell it). Its pretty safe to say i remember mostof what happened that night and have been making up for the weekend's eating and drinking at the gym during the week!

Jan 5, 2006

Morning Poem

I woke early one morning,
The earth lay cool and still
When suddenly a tiny bird
Perched on my window sill,
He sang a song so lovely
So carefree and gay,
That slowly all my troubles
Began to slip away.
He sang of far off places
Of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling
Brought up the morning sun.
I stirred beneath the covers
Crept slowly out of bed,
Then gently shut the window
And crushed his fucking head.
I'm not a morning person.

Jan 1, 2006


Me and Mika hiding behind her drink

Me and Mika's best friend Yoko

I dont know who that guy is with Mika!

Mikas friends had organised quite a big party for New Years Day. There were about 15 or so of us in this tiny izakaya drinking away the year we just had. It was good to meet some of the people Mika keeps telling me about but who i had never met. I went around drinking and chatting to mostly everyone and before u know it everyone was counting down to the new year! Then the beer kept flowing until the all u can drink time limit ran out and then walked in the freezing cold for some New Year Karaoke!!!! I did my usual making a dick out of myself, having but didnt care, as it was the third night in a row that id be drinking! I even tried some Japanese rap but not being able to rap even in English it was quite interested. Thankfully i had some help from Mikas friends. Some soft people had fallen asleep at karaoke as it was quite late so i tried my best to wake them up with some System of a Down's "Chop Suey". It didnt work. We left karaoke at about 5 in the morning and completely forgot about going to the japanese shrine as is the usual because we were buggered. But after we got up some time early in the afternoon the next day, we went down the local shrine for Hatsumode and threw 5 yen into the box, rang the bell and made our wishes for the new year.
To everyone though, I wish the very best for the New Year and hope you make the most of it wherever you may be.