Dec 22, 2006

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!

hey everyone! this will be my last post for 2006 because i will be going to Kobe with Mika for Christmas until January 3rd'ish. Thank you to all for such a great year and heres to enjoying next year too! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD!

Dec 21, 2006

Stephen Sensei's Most Listened To Music #3

Home Again- SHIHAD

Probably one of the better rock bands that i have seen live. their gigs are always amazing even if they do actually come from New Zealand. hehe. This fits my mood the best at the moment heading into Christmas. i cant im not homesick and that itd be awesome to go back to oz for a bit but heres a song for those back home. I'll be home again soon folks.

Dec 20, 2006

2006 Winter ALT Soccer Tournament

Well, earlier this month our ken got together another bunch of men and women and we went to partake in some bonding rituals through soccer. hehe. it is safe to say that us boys sucked and the girls, as usual, played much better than us. but we didnt let any team beat us when there was alcohol invloved so i think we can all keep our heads held high in the sky for that. well done boys. anyways, here are some pics i got off monica ofsome of the weekend and of me. i couldnt be arsed writing captions now, so will edit this later.

Dec 12, 2006

"The stocking is in my box."

well..... i found it quite difficult not to laugh when i heard my JTE say this during class this morning as im sure you all do. come on....its funny!

Dec 5, 2006

Some Great Autumn Shots

Well, its winter now in Japan, and it is frickin freezin where i live! But not too long ago toward the end of autumn there were some lovely red leave trees in bloom about a half hours drive into the mountains from where i live so one i went to take some fotos to show you all. some of the fotos came out really well and really captured the beauty of where i live. enjoy

i really like this pic cos of all the different colours.

if u zoom in on this pic its like ur going right down the river

probably one of the best fotos ive ever taken.

and this is the second

its such a shame that there is only a short space of time that u get the chance to see this once a year.
Yosh, now its time to freeze my bollocks off! Thank god for Kotatsu's!!