Fucking stupid work! The people in my BOE are fucking retards. Last night, I hear a rumour from one of the other ALTs in my city, Erinn, telling me that all of us 3 ALTs' positions are yet to change again. And what i heard has really made me worry about what im going to be doing for the next year or for however long this change is going to last. Today, whilst teaching in Tosayamada, i decided to go into the BOE to see if there was any truth to the rumour i heard last night. It was all true!
So this is what i have been told. They are changing our positions so they can stop me and Erinn from teaching in our towns more than what they are doing now. At the moment we all work at least 2 days a week at the primary schools in Tosayamada, and the rest at the primary and junior high schools in our own towns. And this is absolutely fine, whereas ADAM (AKA KNOBCHOPS) has it the easiest and is only working at one school in Tosayamada. Anyways.....
The changes under consideration are as follows:
There will be one ALT who will work at all the schools in Kahoku and Odochi. They both have one primary school and one Junior high school. And this will be rationed out to 3 days a week in Kahoku and 2 days a week in Odochi. So this means the BOE (ie the bitch of a BOE HEAD) doesnt like where Erinn and i live so shes not gonna let us teach there anymore.
There will be one ALT who will only work at Kagamino Junior High School all week. This junior high is in Tosayamada (the bigger town) and will no doubt be going to Adam yet again.
There will be another ALT who will only go to all the primary schools in Tosayamada, meaning that Erinn or I might have to move there. At the moment i can only see Erinn or myself doing this job so i would really like to know who's going where. This job will entail going to Yamada Primary (which i already go to) once a week, Kuzume Primary (which i go to) once a week, another primary (i dont go to once a week) and the other two days rotating around the other schools.
None of us no where we are going to be assigned as they are still planning the changes. But with less than a month now until the new school starts, i wish they would pull their finger out of their arse because i would really like to know. to them, its not a big deal. hey, they havent even bothered to ask us if we agree or have any opinions ourselves on the change, but hey, were foreigners in Japan and have absolutely fuck all of a say in the matter. i had to go there today to ask them if we could possibly sit down and discuss this and they told us to wait until they had finalised everything and until after all the graduations are over with, which leaves them with the 2 weeks in the spring break before school goes back to tell us. that really is going to help u fucknuts! Most of us ALTs will be travelling during the spring break here so we wont be able to sit down with each other at all during the holidays.
I swear to God this has made my day! how retarded do they have to be to make these kinds of changes at this time of year, just a few weeks away from the new school year. They have been thinking about how they can change our roles for at least half a year now and havent come up with anything concrete or found the need to tell the people in question about their ideas for the change. So fucking unprofessional!